
Our Story

As the world’s second largest (30.3 million km2 or 11.7 million square miles) and second-most populous continent (1.2 billion-person), Africa’s opportunities are vast, and its challenges are persistent.

Very rich in natural resources and home to the world’ s largest free trade area, Africa is working toward new development path that connect potential of its resources and its people. However, according to the World Bank, the continent is suffering an “immense economic and social impacts, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic; which is costing the region between $37 and $79 billion in estimated output losses in 2020, reducing agricultural productivity, weakening supply chains, increasing trade tensions, limiting job prospects, and exacerbating political and regulatory uncertainty.”

From this observation and clear understanding of Africa’s reality and needs, Bernard K. Mulenda had a vision of creating Actions for Development of Africa (ADA), a non-governmental organization that combine all the daughters and son of Africa wanting to take action and wanting to invest fully in the development of the continent. Bernard joined forces with four partners (Jackie Mapango, Dr. Leonard Mutuza, Paul Mponzi and Mike Longo) to form the pillar of ADA organization.

Bernard, Jackie, Leonard, Paul and Mike are the joint owners and co-founders of ADA ASBL.

The organization was founded in 2020 and aim to serve all of Africa, starting with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

ADA ASBL operates in collaboration with hosting countries and local partners. The organization addresses institutional gaps generated by poverty, food insecurity, and lack of opportunities for communities at large.

The Co-founders believes on investing and taking on projects that generate economic and social benefits for the local communities, providing the training tools to encourage self-reliance, strengthen confidence and empower the people, women and youth entrepreneur in particular.